

April 21, 2021

How much does a typical dental crown cost without insurance?

A typical dental crown costs approximately $1,199-$1,299.

How much does a dental crown typically cost for non-insured patients?

At Cumming Dental Smiles, we offer our non-insured new patients $300 their crown treatment. So, our average price ranges from $899-$999. Fees depend on the type of crown and your individualized treatment.

Is a crown cheaper than an implant?

Dental implants typically cost more than crowns. Crown placements are much simpler and less time consuming. So, crowns are the most cost-efficient option.

What is the cheapest crown for a tooth?

There are 5 main types of crowns: Gold crowns, All Porcelain crowns, Porcelain Fused-to-Metal crowns, Zircona crowns, and Lithium Disilicate crowns. Gold crowns range from $600-2,500. Porcelain Fused-to-Metal crowns range from $500-$1,500. Procelain crowns, Zirconia crowns, and Lithium Disilicate crowns range from $800-$3,000.

Why is a dental crown so expensive?

Dental crowns are costly due to the laboratory fees and the supplies it takes to manufacture them. The manufacturing of crowns is very intricate as it’s designed to match your tooth color and size. Overall, it’s a time consuming and delicate procedure.

Are crowns worth the money?

Crowns are very durable and last up to 15 years. Crown treatments have a very high success rate, so in the long run, crowns are worth it.

Does dental insurance pay for crowns?

Yes, dental insurances typically cover crowns when it’s medically advised. Dental insurances typically cover crowns at 50%. However, this depends on the material of the crown and the specific procedure. Patients are liable for paying the rest of the amount due.

How much does it cost to redo a crown?

The average cost of a crown replacement is $1,300. However, this price depends on the material of your crown and your specific procedure.

Is it cheaper to pull a tooth or get a crown?

Although extracting a tooth is cheaper, it is typically advised to get a crown. Crowns preserve your natural teeth and can save you money/time down the road.

Is a Crown considered basic or major?

By insurances, crowns are considered major restorative care. Major restorative care procedures include crowns, dentures, and bridges.



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