

September 17, 2021

1.What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

Some symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen gums, gums that bleed easily, bad breath, and pain when chewing. 

2.What is periodontal disease? 

Periodontal disease is a severe gum infection that can worsen and destroy the jawbone. 

3.What can increase the risk of periodontal disease?

Some risk factors include smoking, poor oral health, fillings that have become defected, and hormonal changes. 

4.What is the recommended treatment for gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a mild and common periodontal disease that causes inflamed gums. This is usually treated with a procedure called scaling and root planing. This helps remove all of the tartar, plaque, and bacterial products from the teeth. 

5.What are symptoms of gingivitis?

Symptoms of gingivitis can include red, tender gums and blood when flossing. 

6.What are the dangers of periodontal disease?

Some dangers of periodontal disease include tooth loss and severe infections. There has also been research to show that periodontal infections can later lead to problems with your heart. 

7.How does the bacteria that causes periodontal disease come into the body?

The bacteria responsible for periodontitis can enter your bloodstream through gum tissue, possibly affecting other parts of your body. 

8. Is periodontal disease associated with any other disease?

 Periodontitis is also linked with other diseases- respiratory diseases, arthritis, and coronary artery disease. 

9. Is gum disease a risk factor for having a heart attack?

 There has been research that has shown an increase in blood clots. These blood clots can obstruct normal body flow and restrict the amount of nutrients and oxygen required for the heart to function. 


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