

June 11, 2021

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

The recovery time for a tooth extraction depends on the type of extraction and the location of the tooth. For most extractions, the healing time is approximately 7-10 days.

Are tooth extractions painful?

Tooth extractions may cause minor pain/discomfort. However, local anesthetic is used to eliminate pain and make the procedure more comfortable. Over the counter prescriptions are also recommended by dentists to help manage pain.

How soon after tooth extraction can I eat?

Only consume soft foods for approximately 24 hours after your extraction. Initially, cold foods, such as Jello-O, are best to consume. After 24 hours, transition into your normal diet whenever you are comfortable.

When can I brush my teeth with toothpaste after an extraction? 

Don’t brush the extraction site with toothpaste for the first week to prevent the blood clot from coming out. Instead, clean the area with a wet gauze or cloth.

How do you sleep after a tooth extraction?

It is recommended to sleep at an elevated angle after a tooth extraction to make sure less fluid is around the extraction site. Lying flat on your back may increase the swelling in your mouth.

What happens after tooth extraction?

After the anesthesia wears off, you may feel some pain around the extraction site. For the next few days, you’ll experience residual swelling and bleeding that should begin to ease in a week.

When can I stop rinsing with salt water after tooth extraction?

Salt water rinsing helps prevent infection after a tooth extraction. It is advised to continue salt water rinses until the stitches dissolve.

How long after an extraction can I remove the gauze?

Keep gauze on the extraction site with pressure (biting) for 30-45 minutes. Make sure to switch out the gauze in 30-45 minute periods if the bleeding continues. Make sure the gauze is directly on the extraction site.

How bad does a tooth have to be extracted?

A tooth extraction becomes necessary if a tooth is severely infected with oral disease and cannot be fixed with a crown/filling. It can also become necessary if the patient is still in pain after getting a crown, filling, or root canal.


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