1.Does teeth whitening damage teeth?
As long as you are whitening your teeth in a method that your doctor has approved, whitening is safe for your teeth.
2.Can I whiten a dead tooth?
A dead tooth is a tooth that no longer receives any blood lwo and these are usually a result of tooth decay. Because of this, whitening a dead tooth will not result in as much of a difference as a normal tooth.
3.Does teeth whitening hurt?
Teeth whitening doesn’t hurt necessarily, it is more of a slightly uncomfortable feeling. If you feel any severe pain, contact your dentist immediately.
4.Will teeth whitening work on veneers?
Teeth whitening does not work on any type of non-natural tooth restoration.
5.How long does teeth whitening last?
The whitening lasts longer based on the care exhibited by the patient. If the patient is an avid coffee/wine drinker, these drinks tend to stain and go against the whitening effect. To keep the whitening last, the patient should follow a healthy diet and avoid drinks such as coffee and wine.
6.Can I get my teeth whitened if I have a cavity?
Before you get your teeth whitened, you should deal with existing tooth problems. If the strong chemicals used in the whitener get into the cavity it can lead to further pain and problems.
7.Do teeth whitening chewing gums work?
Teeth whitening gums don’t work in the traditional sense. They do however work to reduce a certain type of dark staining that is usually removed by your dental hygienist.
8.Does teeth whitening gel need to be refrigerated?
Teeth whitening gel can be refrigerated to prolong its shelf life. If it is not in the refrigerator, it may break down and not be as effective over time.
9.Is professional teeth whitening safe during pregnancy?
Because of the chemicals that are used in professional teeth whitening, it is recommended that you wait until the deliver of the baby to get your teeth whitened.